Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Little dollies on their journey to New York to Earth Angels Toys along with some textured birdie cottages. These beautiful doll heads were gifted to me from my sweet friend Lana. (thank you!)

Love and Blessings to all!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

*BiRDie'S CoTTaGe*

something new for me - playing with textures and clay- This week I have become just a teeny tiny bit OBSESSED with building these little textured houses that I now have almost 20 on my dining room table! *gasssp* off to play again...hee hee

Hope you all have an imagination filled day!


Thursday, May 14, 2009


I've been tagged by Marcie to list 6 things that make me happy -

1) baby toes
2) and baby giggles
3) seeing broken spirits mended
4) observing my real life pixie, Emily, creating art - she always looks so peaceful and serene while creating
5) miracles from God (they REALLY do happen!)
6) hearing my niece Desiree have her famous laugh attacks

Sunday, May 10, 2009

*SHoP UpDaTe* NeW aRRiVaLs!

Here's my newest pieces especially created for eBay with .99 starting bids as always! :)
*Off to the CiRCuS*
Balloon constructed using techniques taught by the charming and talented Iva Wilcox. I am addicted to her classes and will upload the original balloon soon that I created at her hot air balloon workshop at Tangerine, which IS the sweetest place in Dublin.

*FaiRy of all THiNGs sWeeT*
*CuPCaKe QueeN MoBiLe*

Sending LOVE to all!
